You can use them to measure your mood, track your menstrual cycle ( to determine your fertile period) and monitor your glucose levels. 您可以使用它们来检测你的情绪、跟踪你的月经周期(来确定你的育龄期)以及监控你的血糖水平。
It was a productive and fertile period. 这是一个硕果累累的时期。
Many methods carry health risks; Barrier devices and avoidance of intercourse during the most fertile period are safest. 许多避孕方法会损害健康;最安全的方法包括使用阻隔式避孕器以及危险期推算法。
Seed bearing rate in fertile period gets better from low elevation to high elevation. 可育期内繁种结实性是随海拔增高由低到高。
By analysing free amino acid content of flower organ of fertile and sterile breeds in different pollen developmental period, the results show that: Total free amino acids and proline content increase conspicuously in the meiosis period and increase suddenly in the pollen generating period. 在花粉母细胞减数分裂之前和减数分裂期、花粉发生与发育期、花粉成熟期,对雄性可育品种和不育品种的花器官进行了游离氨基酸的成分与含量的测定分析。
Levels of Seven Hormones in Patients with Ovarian Tumor during Fertile Period 生育期卵巢肿瘤患者七种激素分泌状况研究
The district in lower basin has the fit production specification, produce are rich and fertile, In history particular period it has been being the river basin economy core location. 下游盆地区具有适宜的生产条件,物产丰饶,历史时期一直是流域经济重心所在。